Thursday, April 28, 2011

Introducing the Ameraucanas and Wyandottes! (We've Gone Chicken-Crazy)

Ben found a farm that had sexed Ameraucana and Golden Laced Wyandotte chicks.  It happens to be located very nearby, so we couldn't resist.  We were planning on adding to our flock next spring, but we decided it makes just as much sense to get them now. 
Ben was originally going to buy just four Ameraucanas, but he knew I've been wanting Wyandottes also.  So he came home with an additional three Golden Laced Wyandottes.  What a sweet surprise!

The darker birds are the Golden Laced Wyandottes.

It turns out that Ben had visited this particular farm as a young child.  The farmer remembered that he had taken a tour with his Boy Scout Troop.  Small world, even smaller town.
The chicken man said that these chicks are three weeks old, but they look more like five weeks old.  We don't mind.  It's just perfect because the Australorps are now six weeks old.  The new batch will live indoors for a week, then we'll put them out with the rest.

An Ameraucana

I'm so excited that we'll soon have pastel eggs as well as brown.  The mystery is whether they'll be blue, green, pink (quite rare), or a combination?  This whole chicken thing just gets more thrilling by the minute.
So far, these newbies are very docile.  They're less skittish than the Australorps and way more chill.  I hope the two groups will get along.


  1. Green eggs are the best! I just love our Ameraucanas. They are the only ones that want to be picked up and held.

  2. They are absolutely precious. We're going to go with Ameraucana's next time as opposed to Araucana's. I love them, but they are so much smaller than the rest of the chickens they are picked on incessantly.

  3. What beautiful chicks! We have Ameraucanas and get lovely eggs anywhere from teal blue to turquoise to khaki to bright green. It's like Easter everyday!

  4. I'll have to check back. Our Ameraucana only lays brown eggs.........
    Hope you get the pretty blue/green ones.
