Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It Begins

What better time to start a farm blog than at the beginning of what is sure to be a very eventful season?  This little guy reared his head yesterday.  A Speckled Roman tomato.  I'll be using these for sauces and soups.  I've also started four other heirloom varities: Brandywine, Moonglow, Persimmon, and Black Sea Man.  Persimmon is my all-time favorite for flavor.  I've never planted Moonglow or Black Sea Man before, so I'm not sure how they'll taste.  I so regret leaving out Cherokee Purple this year, but I wanted to try some new things.

This the asparagus patch we put in last year.  I pulled back the mulch and topped it off with a few inches of very well-aged horse manure yesterday.  There are 500 crowns in this section, and our first harvest will be in 2012.
This is where we'll put in 500 more asparagus crowns this year.  They should arrive next month, and we still have a lot of preparation to do.  We put down some chicken manure last fall, and we'll tuck the crowns in with some of that beautiful 10-year-old horse manure.
Ahhhh, and the blueberries.  All 400-and-something bushes have been pruned, and they are just waiting for the right time to bloom.  The deer, wild turkeys, neighbors, dogs, and I are anxiously awaiting their arrival.

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