Monday, June 27, 2011

Do I Hear Something Chirping?

There are several nests around the farm that are full of tiny little miracles.  Pictured below are two of the nests that are low enough to look into.  

This bunch is living in an apple tree.  The tree is young and protected by a wire cage.  It makes a very safe home for the family.

Mama bird did not like me getting so close to her babes.  She swooped down and knocked into my rear end with such huge force that I yelped and ran away.  What a great mother!

This nest is a masterpiece made mostly of moss.  The builder also incorporated a good amount of dog hair (long, white dog hair that obviously came from Miles and Thurgood).  It sits on top of our porch light.  It is well sheltered from the elements.  The light bulb went out months ago, and we rarely use the front door, so the birdies have found themselves a very peaceful spot. 

Giant eyes, giant beaks!  Can you see the St. Bernard fur in the nest?

I wish I could identify these sweet creatures for you, but I have very little ability in that department.  I can tell you what they aren't.  Neither nest is of robin, bluebird, blue jay, cardinal, crow, or oriole.  Beyond that, I haven't a clue.  

I hope all the hatchlings survive.  I'm so excited to get to watch them grow.  I amazes me that day-old chickens can walk around and basically take care of themselves while these guys are helpless without their mothers.  

I'll try to get more photos as they grow, if the mothers let me.  I'm not sure I want another thwop on the butt! 

1 comment:

  1. When I brush the dog I pull the clumps of hair out of the brush and throw them on the ground. Birds will fly right up to us to take the fur away. It must make for some really comfortable bedding. Although, I would imagine quite stinky ;)
