Have you ever lain on a vent?
I mean have you ever really lain on a vent? Bliss.
You should see our air filter. Unbelievable. No wonder I have to do a Neti Pot every single day right now. Thurgood Morsel loves to lie on an air vent at every opportunity during the summer. He lies on the vent in the living room all day, and he lies on the vent in our bedroom every night. He steers clear of all vents in the winter when they blow warm air (We try to keep it cool for the boys in the winter. I have to don a hat, scarf, and fleece the whole season just to survive our house. I like to look on the bright side and think about all money saved on heating bills. Unfortunatley, all that "saved" money is cancelled out by our central air usage). St. Bernards were not made for the South.
My nasal passages are so clogged-up that I have almost completely lost my sense of smell. I used to think that people who complained about their "allergies" were hypochondriacs. I didn't believe that allergies were actually a real thing. Now I think that I'm allergic to pollen and dogs. How does a dog-lovin' farmer go on? Suck it up and quit your damn complaining! Shut your pie hole!